Overall responsibility
Mülacher 10
CH-6024 Hildisrieden
Phone +41 41 464 35 95
CEO Thomas Felder
Use of the website
The entire content (text, graphics, images, etc.) of the website is protected by copyright and, unless otherwise specified, belongs exclusively and comprehensively to SFB AG.
It is permitted to download, save, print or otherwise reproduce individual pages and/or sections of the website provided that neither copyright notices (e.g. sfb©) nor other legally protected designations are removed. All rights of ownership and use remain with SFB AG. It may revoke this consent at any time.
Reproduction (in whole or in part), transmission (by electronic or other means), modification, linking or use of the information and services of any kind contained in the website for public or commercial purposes are only permitted with the prior written consent of SFB AG.
Disclaimer of warranty and liability
SFB AG disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, which might be incurred by you or any third party in connection with access to or use of the Website, or any portion thereof, or any links to third-party websites. Visiting the website and using the information contained therein is at your own risk and responsibility.
Liability is also excluded for Internet failures of any kind (e.g. viruses, harmful components, terrorist acts...etc), misuse by third parties (viewing of data, copies, etc.) and loss of programs or other data in your information systems. This applies even if the possibility of such damage is mentioned on the website.
Linked websites
Some links on the website lead to websites of third parties. These are no longer under the control of SFB AG. SFB AG therefore accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness or legality of the content of such websites or links to other websites, or for any offers, products or services contained therein. The use of linked websites is at the user's own risk.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
The courts at the registered office of SFB AG in Rapperswil-Jona shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes between you as a visitor and user of the SFB website arising from the operation of or visit to the website. Swiss law is exclusively applicable.